Enhancement of immune tolerance of COVID-19 patients might be achieved with alginate supplemented therapy

Document Type : Original Article


1 Marine pollution laboratory, marine environment division, National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Alexandria, Egypt.

2 Applied Medical chemistry, Medical Research Institute, Elhorria Avenue, Alexandria, Egypt.


Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a devastating pandemic virus that has neither an effective cure nor vaccine so far. Once inside the body, blood viremia increases significantly in conjunction with uncontrolled and awry immune response that induces severe unbalanced cytokine storm. This cytokine storm is initiated although the number of T lymphocyte is severely reduced alongside a damaged lymphoid tissue and systemic body inflammation. It will be a demanding need to find a natural polymer that has both anti-inflammatory and immune immune-enhancing effects that can induce the immune system to fight off the virus in a balanced manner. Alginate is a natural polysaccharide extracted from brown Algae and has been used extensively as an immune activator in different in- vivo model animals and in- vitro cell culture systems. Based on our recent experiment and other findings cited in the literature, we propose the introduction of alginate in the therapeutic regime of COVID-19 patients.


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